Shabda is a Varna or group of combinations of many Varna. Shabda is property of the Space. Even further it is said that without shabda ( vibration with meaning) there is no Space as such. In the last series the Varna were discussed on the periphery. We have not gone in depth of vibrational properties of each Varna. That will be subject of further exploration. Varna are like the individual colors in the bottles. To form a Shabda one need to mix it. It forms a vibrational shape in the mind. And a play of Sound and Forms starts.
We cant see the world beyond our retina and can’t hear beyond our ear drums.
One get amazed when they see the etymology of the words like below. A recipe ( Siddhi) of creating words. To understand we should be able to disect it to its basic elements. Following are two examples to give a taste.
The Nouns (Objects) and Verbs (Actions) are created from the basic roots in Sanskrut. The kitchen got 2000 ingredients. You learn the process of permutations and combinations and create different meanings.
Whilst we are moving towards universal-ism of definitions it will be interesting to see how the names are derived and Is there any logical thinking behind it? I came across a book of Thomas Bellot who has summarized hundreds of English words in 1856. We will be exploring more about this in this series of Shabdamala.